On Self-Care

My family and I do not celebrate the Lunar New Year or comprehend every aspect of Black History Month. As a child, February always meant that my birthday was coming up. As naive as this seems, I am thankful that the people I was surrounded by most made this a routine.

My elementary school continues to broadcast public announcements that highlight February’s historical significance and societal impact. These announcements engage the most curious spaces of young minds with the hope that they consider what February means to others. Throughout the years, I have become more educated on how I can effectively recognize Black History Month and understand what the Lunar New Year means to those who observe. I would consider this a more obscure form of self-care. It involves the admission of ignorance and knowing when to ask questions. As I reviewed the contributions to this publication I did not feel qualified to do so. February has been a very humbling experience for me. I routinely connect with contributors to ensure that I preserve their message however this month it was more significant because I needed to be taught.

Self-care means more than eating pizza and playing video games on my birthday. This month, I wanted to further educate myself on the differences in cultures and families within Shopify. If you are the position I am, have a conversation with your colleagues about what February means to them and I can assure you that this form of self-care will no longer be as obscure as it seems.

On Spring Cleaning

We can all tell that a hint of Spring is now in the air! I have always been a firm believer of Spring Cleaning. I recently opened the door of my office and visualized the potential within from decor to professional goals. The office is an all-encompassing space where we spend most of our time so we should feel productive and comfortable whenever we commit time to our professional development.

Spring cleaning also presents an opportunity to evaluate the progress we’ve made on our goals for the year. If it so happens that we aren’t where we thought we would be, rest assured that we are not alone! Now is the perfect time to be inspired by those around us. I’ve always looked to my grandmother for a source of inspiration as she established a life in Canada and set the roots of my family’s recent history when she was only eighteen. Whether it’s inspiration from a family member, sharing a laugh with friends, or enjoying the space around you, it’s important to find a reason for happiness and growth.

On Sustainability and Caring

In contrast to the recent winter months, I have had the amazing opportunity to begin my days on the porch or with the windows open to appreciate my space in new ways. This is said to focus us in ways that several cups of coffee simply can’t. Even going for a short hike recontextualizes Earth Day as we consider what this moment in time means for us and our health. I have been shown time and time again the importance of taking a moment to pause and be mindful of the space around us. My partner has done this more than anyone I know. This contributes to her uncompromised love for the planet that we live on. She encourages me to participate in outdoor activities, found us a dog that coaxes us outside four times per day, and provide healthy plant-based options for us to eat. Most importantly, I understand that she cares.

We can use this mindset to present more environmentally-friendly options to our clients for Earth Day. Could they benefit from contributing to our carbon offsetting initiative or a funding opportunity to purchase recycled packaging? Demonstrating that we care will in turn, prompt them to care with us. If our clients have an environmental action plan, we can now play a role in aligning our goals with theirs.

Speaking to a human being is the benefit of contacting our support. Each one of us needs to call Earth home and if no other alignment opportunities present themselves during conversation, this is our common ground. Showing clients we care just as they do is another step towards making commerce better for everyone.

On Love

Love should always be on our minds. That is Love with a capital L to include the many different branches of our relationships. This month, we focus on loving the people, places, and things that surround us, and also recognizing what we can do to show our appreciation for them.

You don’t have to love everything. I’d be quite surprised if that was the case! What’s important is to recognize what we love, and do everything we can to show that we care. June is host to World Environment Day and this is another opportunity to act on the love for our home. This is not just our home but the home of every creature that we love, every scenic view we remember, and the future we want. When we all recognize the love for our home, we can make a surprising amount of difference with every action.

Just like loving our home, we need to feel free to express the love of those around us. No one should feel restricted in who they should love. Communities all over the world need love more than anything else and people should know that we are there for them. There are many who report simple actions like listening to how they feel can make a huge difference. If there is someone in our life who needs to be heard, please reach out to them and let them know they are loved. I urge you to use those exact words. Everyone and everything deserves to know that there is a helping hand waiting to be called on. Love makes all the difference we need.